I was awakened at 3:30 by the sound of a cat gagging. I got up and Snoopy was sitting in the hallway and had thrown up about a teaspoon full of clear foamy saliva. Given the fact that she'd not pooped in days, this scared me badly. So I lay back down and tried to get back to sleep, thinking that this morning we'd need to find a way to get her back to Tufts (of course, on Saturday, it would be considered an "emergency" and the fees would double).
So anyway, when I got up she was in her normal spot and followed me to the kitchen. I hated to feed her more since she was already "full up", so I gave her some PetroMalt and she willingly licked away at that. Then she started moving down the hall, and disappeared downstairs. I followed her and heard the digging noise - she never digs when she pees so this was a positive sign. I hate to be a voyeur and watch her use the box, but that I did and she squatted down and "relieved herself" - whew. She came back upstairs ravenously hungry. I fed her, but I did sneak a small teaspoonful of Metamucil in the cat food.
We still did not get a call from the vet regarding the Thursday blood tests. I am most annoyed. I plan on calling in a few minutes to register my displeasure. Having the test done is worthless if there is not a doctor to review the results and report them to us.
I suspect she needs a small dosage of insulin, but I am not a vet.
I am also annoyed that my Smart Cat Box order does not have any available tracking information. It was ordered on December 19 - but even with the Christmas holidays thrown in, there has been plenty of time for it to be shipped/recieved. I sent off a flaming email there today, too.
WHY do things always crop up on Saturdays?