Thursday, January 31, 2008
I just need a break
There is nothing really worth noting on the cat front. The girls are still avoiding direct contact, but they are not quite as vocal, and seem to have settled into some what routine habits again.
Sakaura is a chow-hound, but she is extremely picky - for a shelter cat! She won't eat just any canned cat food - she has a couple that she likes and, of course, they are the most expensive ones. I am trying to get her to eat plain old Fancy Feast - not that it's cheap, but it is cheaper than her picks. So I give her one spoonful of FF and she usually ignores it, but this morning, she ate it, so that is some progress.
She does nibble on dried food, but every time we walk into the kitchen she is bad to beg to be fed something special. Yesterday, Don caved and fed her an entire pouch of Whiskas Purrfectly Fish Tuna Entree. Her other preferred food is Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
One step forward, two steps back

I don't think Don understands that we must let these cats make their own peace and not try to force it. This morning he picked SI (Snoopy) up and put her on the sofa and SII (Sakaura) was under the coffee table. SI jumped off the sofa right into the waiting face of SII and all hell broke loose. Screams of terror right under my feet as I drank my first cup of coffee. Not a good scene at all.
Before I left for work I was able to coax SII out from under the coffee table with treats and this allowed SI to sneak past her and down the stairs.
It is just going to take time and a hands off attitude. We can manage that (I think).
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Devil or Angel?
When we got up, both Sakaura and Snoopy were sitting in the hallway - waiting to eat. Again, separate feeding spots - separate kind of food. Sakaura is still very much afraid of Snoopy's growls!
We are just leaving them alone. But Don emailed me that they had an encounter in the litter box area and Sakaura ran back upstairs. So he had to wait until the big bad Snoopy was done and go and retrieve the fraidy cat, hoping she had not made alternate litter box arrangements.
Why can't we all be friends?
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Progress report
Sakaura slept in the bed, but Snoopy slept in the same bedroom - that's unusual! They also had some brief encounters this morning where they were just a few feet apart, and there was the requisite growling and hissing, but not slaps or swats.
I believe that Snoopy realizes that Sakaura is a permanent addition - even if she is not pleased with that decision.
I am still hoping to find them cuddled up together one day - but for now I'd take just an end to the growls!
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Sunday, January 27, 2008

The first one to make an appearance is a large double-pawed shorthair. He kept his distance, and she was most upset that he seemed to have breached "her turf".
The second to visit was our scroungy old Moocher II. He stuck his nose right up at the window and she returned the favor. Too cute!

I think she finds it strange that after living in a big group of cats for a while she is now stuck in a home with one grouchy cat, and all these more friendly looking characters are on the other side of the glass.
Day Two with Two Cats

When we got up both of them were up - Snoopy was sitting in the hall in her usual spot and Sakaura came slinking out of our living area.
We fed Snoopy some of her favorite Fancy Feast - Savory Salmon. I saved Sakaura a tablespoonful of that but she didn't want it. Later Snoopy came back into the kitchen and polished that off, too.
We're back to feeding Snoopy in the bathroom. She's eaten there for the past 4-5 years and it is her "safe spot".
So now Sakaura is back in the bed. Snoopy is back in the tent. I'd like to think we've made a bit of progress, but time will tell.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Good morning!

What a different cat this is. Early last night she came out from under the bed and got into the bed. She slept between us all night. Well not all night, she did get up and down a couple of times, but she is not of the thundering weight that Snoopy is, so her movements are not so noticeable (or room shaking).
She is very friendly, and is exploring and making herself right at home. Snoopy, on the other hand, is being very protective of her turf. They have had a couple of encounters.

Snoopy sat in the hallway staring her down. She did, however, eat her food in her bowl in the bathroom, and surprisingly enough came into the kitchen and nibbled on Sakaura's leftovers. Don made the mistake of bringing Snoopy into the living room with him and when Sakaura approached, she began to hyperventilate and gasp for air - very over-excited. So I've told him to be very careful and not force any enounters between the two. I do believe that sooner or later they will accept each other and, hopefully, become friends.

We really should have been more prepared, but I didn't think we'd bring the cat home yesterday, so we were not and their meeting was rather abrupt. I am hoping that getting off to a bad foot will not make a difference. I so want them to be buddies.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Cat Wars

We picked up Sakaura this afternoon, and arrived home right at Snoopy's dinnertime. She's been such a chowhound of late - but she refused to eat. She's not at all happy about this turn of events. But then neither is Sakaura.

Sakaura has hidden under our bed, I'm not sure where Snoopy is hiding at this point. Snoopy did come out long enough to eat a partial can of Fancy Feast. She's been woofing an entire can down and begging for more. Hope this is just temporary.
They are similar but very different. Sakaura (I can tell that name is not going to stick too long ... I am thinking of a nickname already - maybe Saki. Anyway, Sakaura is a small cat, much smaller than Snoopy. She's soft and she seems to have a sweet personality. She has a LOUD mouth and protested being put in the cat carrier and riding in the car. I was able to hold her in my arms for most of the trip - she was calm and sat there letting me stroke her.
Hope she comes out of hiding soon!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Busy signal (thank goodness, I think)
Sakaura is a ragdoll cat about two years old. She is very sweet.
So I wrote asking if she'd do well with another cat, etc. I got an instant reply with a phone number to call.
So I waited and waited and just now I went into my boss's office (because I didn't want eavesdroppers to be listening in), and called. And got this message "the extension you are calling is busy. If you want to leave a message stay one the line." I took this as a sign and hung up immediately.
I am not sure if I will call again or not. But she is a very pretty kitty. And Rutland is well within driving range for a weekend visit IF that is possible.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I believe she is recovered well enough to get the haircut, and have her teeth cleaned, too. We normally have had that done while she is under the anesthesia for the cut.
Last night I tried to comb her while she was gobbling her food down, but she would have none of that. And I don't want to get her back into her "hiding"mode again, so I guess it will be off to the vet soon.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Washing cat litter
Snoopy is still quite taken with the little cat tent. She slept in that last night and was back inside this morning after she woofed down her breakfast.
We are coasting along here - sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop. But perhaps this "honeymoon stage" will last a long time.
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snoopy was never one to show any interest in these things at all, but she's changed, so I brought the tent upstairs. I put a couple of cat treats in it and she stuck her head in to get those to eat. A few minutes later I caught her napping in the tent.
She's certainly changed many of her habits. But not in an unpleasant way.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Blue eyes

Friday, January 18, 2008
People Food For Cats
Their website is offering a "Free Sample" BUT you have to pay $5.00 shipping. You can buy 6 cans in the store for that $5. Of course, if you could not find it and wanted to try it, perhaps - still a bit steep for something that is "free".
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The best litterbox
It will be easier to wash "cat litter" in the warmer months - I'm not sure how we will fare using the bathtub. But I do want to try.
Snoopy accepted this litter box immediately, and it's amazingly easy to keep clean and it does not smell.
Another thing that I read on the Smart Cat Box site is
Clumping litters typically contain sodium bentonite which can be toxic to cats, causing muscle weakness and lethargy.
This could be another reason Snoopy is more agile and awake these days. Food for thought.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Too much time
It is safe to look at cats on the computer screen. For now I will avoid actually walking into one of these shelters because I know I can not leave empty handed.
Update on Snoopy is still the same. She is doing very well. Eating, sleeping, and all that - oh yes, and purring ... a LOT!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Bird TV

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Cat in a basket

She's doing well though. It's obvious she feels much better. She's not running through the house playing by any means, but she's not slinking around hiding under furniture and she seems to love to have all the attention. Who knew?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
It's not always "all about ME", Snoopy

Since we have lived here we have had a few of these cats who come and look in pitifully and that we have fed. One of them came for six years and I will admit that I cried the day I saw him laying dead on the side of the road. He'd almost become "our" outside cat because we fed him every single day that we were available for six years. We named him "Moocher". He would see my car turn in from the road and he'd race me home and roll on the driveway waiting to be petted. I miss my "Moochie" still.
Now this cat has been regular for the past month or so - I've dubbed him Moocher II. I'm not sure if he'll last as long as his predecessor did, but if he comes, we'll feed him.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Three in a row
I feel weird monitoring a cat's bathroom habits, but I think it is necessary with this cat.
She's becoming so much more personable. I can only imagine that a lot of her grouchiness was because she didn't feel good. Wish she could have told us.
She still needs a good haircut. We plan on letting her settle a bit more and then we'll bring her in for her lion's cut. She'll have really short hair then, but at least it will be short all over and not just in spots like it is now.
She's sleeping on the sofa right next to where I am sitting and looking very regal. I think she is convinced she is royalty!
Thursday, January 10, 2008

She loves boxes and this one is just right. I still need to figure a way not to get the glowing yellow eyes. If you look closely, you can see where her front legs were shaved for the IVs at the hospital.
We had a very good day yesterday, and she's been up and eaten a good breakfast today. I hope we have turned a corner and she will continue to thrive.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Up and down days
This morning she was hungry again. I've taken to giving her a whole can of food and if she doesn't eat it all, putting it back in the can for the next meal. But when she is feeling good there are no leftovers for the next meal.
So the picky eating is directly related to her moods OR how she feels. I guess that should not be surprising.
She actually ate some Petromalt which she's been refusing. She really hates the Metamucil added to her food, so I hope she will at least accept some Petromalt daily until she gets to be more "regular".
She loves to get inside boxes and last night she spent some time inside the packing box that the new litter box came in. We saved that for her since it is large enough for her to fit into comfortably. I took some pictures which I need to take off the camera and post.
I *think* of getting another cat. But for now it is only thinking. I am not really ready for any added responsibility right now, and I am sure Don agrees on that point.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Nothing new but that is good
She's lost weight - and that likely may be the reason her blood sugar is lower. At the rate she is eating she may lose more weight. She's extremely picky. She was always the "Mikey" cat in that she'd eat anything (and lots of it).
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Monday, January 7, 2008
What is up?
I'm back from the vet and so is Snoopy. Her blood sugar was 124, which is excellent, especially considering that she hasn't had insulin for several weeks. She doesn't have to go through the 3-test curve because she isn't on insulin injections. And the Dr. checked her for constipation/opstipation and she doesn't have either. I asked about the laxative and the Dr. said that he'd rather have her get a natural aid including metamucil, petromalt, and laxatone. He thought she looked "good", but has not received any reports from Tufts.
I just asked him what the vet said about feeding her and he replied that we should "give her food she likes".
SO she is really going to feel "special" now.
I guess I will quit fretting, and let the cat be a cat.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Fluids again
I am hoping the vet will have a better solution tomorrow, but who knows. She is very picky about eating but I think that may be a result of her problem right now. Once she's not so stopped up she will likely be more amenable to eating and I can sneak the metamucil into her food.
I don't know. It's discouraging just when she seemed to be doing so well.
I am a little bit worried
At least she has an early appointment with Dr. K tomorrow. I told Don to tell him and ask if he can give us something to give her similar to the Lactulose she got at Tufts.
She is improved, but this cat is not well. This may be a chronic ailment and we will need to figure out how to work with it. We can't afford to let her ever get back in the same situation she was a few weeks back.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
What Cats Do For Us
Warm our laps.
Give us someone to talk to.
Help reduce high blood pressure.
Bring the winter air inside, nestled in their coats.
Create a kindred feeling with other "cat people."
Turn common household objects like bottle caps into toys.
Make us more aware of birds.
Donate their services as alarm clocks.
Display daring acrobatic feats right in front of our eyes.
Contribute to living a longer life.
Make a window sill more beautiful.
Keep mice on the run.
Make us smile.
Inspire poets and playwrights.
Teach us how to land on our feet.
Let us indulge our desires to really spoil someone.
Make our homes warmer.
Remind us that life is mysterious.
Share with us the all-is-well experience of purring.
Instruct us in the luxurious art of stretching.
Show us how to lick our wounds and go on.
Give us cool cartoon characters.
Make even an old worn couch look beautiful.
Open our hearts.
Friday, January 4, 2008
The longest short week ever
Snoopy continues to thrive. She is eating us out of house and home. Actually, she is probably just getting a normal appetite back. According to the tiny cat food cans, a cat of her weight should eat 3 cans a day. She used to eat a half a can of canned food, but two big scoops of dried foods. She's only eaten canned since her episode and yesterday she ate two full cans. She polished off a can this morning, so she's on track to eat two today as well.
I have been catering to her and giving her different foods at every meal to keep her interested. If we are going to continue to try and keep her well by diet alone, I need to do some research on what types of canned foods have the least amount of carbohydrates. I am convinced that carbs are poison for cats.
She had another "negative" urine test this morning. This is still so mysterious!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Testing strips
We will see.
At least now we can furnish the vet with fresh urine that he can test, and we can closely monitor her at home.
She's accepted the new box so far, but she's only urinated in it - today should tell the tale of how well she will accept it otherwise. She certainly did not like using the cystals, so we may have to keep out two litter boxes and just cover the second one most of the time.
I am encouraged about the "diabetes" though. I've done a bit of research and maybe she never had full blown diabetes at all. If she did, she is certainly in remission now.
One of my cat lover friends at work who has several Rags swears that it is a miracle - she offered up prayers to some saint back when Snoopy was in the hospital. I will not discount that, either.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New litter box
She has an appointment with her regular vet on Monday for a BG curve. I am wondering if she doesn't have some sort of stress related reaction though that may make those tests inaccurate.
And she has fallen in love - with the cardboard box the litterbox was shipped in - her new bed!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Isn't she pretty?

I still want my Digital SLR - maybe next Christmas. Or maybe my birthday?
Maybe I should set myself a goal and use that as a reward for reaching it. I am always motivated by rewards. Food for thought for sure.
Happy New Year
Her every other day litter box usage seems to affect her appetite. I wish she'd "go" daily, but for now I won't be alarmed with the every other day routine.
We picked up an inexpensive pet carrier for her yesterday at Bldg. 19 - I think it will be easier to transport her in this rather than the big old Pet Taxi carrier.
She will get a trip to Dr. K as soon as we can schedule it. Don is wondering if perhaps we can get her haircut there, too. She is so scruffy still.
For now she is enjoying another day being spoiled rotten. It is hopeless to get her back to being "just a cat". She is convinced she is a princess.