Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hungry Lion

Hungry Lion
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Actually, you could say this was the world's largest hairball! I took this picture on the Harvard campus, and it is a cat, although an ancient one, with a bird's nest in its mouth.

We also got a picture of a stone age saber toothed cat (just the bones), at the Harvard Museum of Natural Science.

It was a fun day for us, and I assume the girls at home had fun laying around and sleeping with no human annoyances.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Notes from my morning email

Flo -

It was a very nice morning for walking again. Sakaura greeted me at the door. When I stepped in, she stepped out. Luckily I could grab her before she made the next move. Wheeeeewww!!! We can't really trust her.

No joke!
So she is not liking the food she's getting - that she has previously liked, and she wants to run away from home. Fat chance!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

So Sakaura's beau came calling and this is his reaction. A huge yawn!

She had to run and jump up on the glass pretending she was all vicious and ready to fight.

He knew he was safe, and is showing her how boring she is LOL!

Monday, July 7, 2008

From my inbox ...

Flo -

What an amazing sight! When I got back from my walk I found the two cats sleeping together on Snoopy's bed. Snoopy near the pillows and Sakaura near the foot of the bed! I didn't touch them! It is really humid this morning (although the same as it has been for a while). Have a good day!


So I asked him to take a picture and believe it or not -- he did!

Friday, July 4, 2008

The evil step-sister!

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Yesterday Don put Snoopy down in the doorway of "her room" where she normally will walk over and either get up on the bed or go into her tent. He said that out of nowhere there came a blur of a cat and all sorts of screeching and hissing ensued. Sakaura was on the attack.

Poor Snoopy ran under the bed to hide. She was not too traumatized though because when dinner time came she made her way to her food bowl without assistance.

I'd wished these two would be friends, but I don't think that will happen. I do hope that at some point Snoopy will turn around and attack Sakaura to take some of the wind out of her sails! She thinks she is invincible.

Does she ever move?

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Only occasionally! Yesterday she had a very traumatic encounter with the "other cat" in the hallway.

She is generally happy to sleep on this blanket o the sofa. Right now she is there - bathing herself. As you can see her hair is growing back out - so she looks more like a normal cat. She till has the remnants of the tuft on the end of her tail.

She has come a long way in the past 7 months. She is still testing good as far as her blood sugar goes - so no insulin. Her weight is pretty steady - around 13 pounds, down from her high of over 18 pounds. Don thinks the weight loss is keeping the diabetes at bay - that may be true.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Christian, the lion

This is so touching and it is a TRUE story. Read more about it here.