Sunday, August 31, 2008

Snoopy on a Sunday morning

Snoopy on a Sunday morning
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

The valium really does help make Snoopy a very mellow cat. Except for some up close and personal encounters with the "evil Sakaura", she spends most of her days lounging on the sofa or in "her bedroom".

She's gotten brave enough to make a few trips downstairs that are not initiated by Don. Once she's done with the litter box, she has a cat condo that she perches on top of and feels safe from "the monster".

A lot of her hair has grown back. I am trying to keep her brushed to put off the inevitable haircut. Her hair seems to have thinned a lot in spots. She is getting to be a really geriatric cat, I guess.

Sakaura sits up!

Sakaura sits up!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She thinks she is so human and she looks human at times, as well. The other day she got up on the sofa and was sitting there watching tv in this pose. The look on her face when I got the camera was priceless.

She is not a nice cat, but she is so darn cute that she can get by with being such a terror!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Snoopy goes outdoors, too

Snoopy on the deck
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Not bby choice, of course. But I was glad to get a photo of her without the dreaded flash and the flaming eyes.

Don carries her around like she's an invalid. I guess she really is - at least mentally. She is afraid of her own shadow since we have had the invader Sakaura come into the picture.

This afternoon Sakaura decided she wanted to sleep on the sofa and jumped right up into Snoopy's face. I think she didn't realize that Snoopy was there because she cautiously backed off - after a couple of not so friendly hisses. No screeching or screaming or slapping - progress!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Serious Sakaura

Serious Sakaura
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is seriously pretty!

This was taken while Don had her sitting outside on the deck rail. I am not comfortable with her being outdoors, since we know nothing of her background and I'd hate for her to escape and run away.

She obviously has had encounters with bad weather given her fear of thunder and lightening, so I wonder if she was at one time an outdoor cat.

At any rate, I do not like her having too much freedom! She does very well as indoor only cat, despite the fact that she has claws. She's been great about not clawing carpets and furniture.

She's a good cat!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She spends most of her time hiding from the sound of the daily thunder. Snoopy does not seem to even notice. It makes me wonder if Sakaura had some experience in her life that caused her to cringe and run and hide during stormy weather.

I feel so badly for her. She is becoming a recluse just like Snoopy. We are good to her and we love her, but I am sad that she is all alone with no other cat companionship.

But what do I know. I felt the same way about Snoopy and she really wishes I'd just kept to my own business and let her be "the only cat".

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bye bye Manny!

Bye bye Manny!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

He was good while he lasted, but his attitude lately has brought the entire team down. It's time to say bye bye!

Snoopy was asleep in her usual spot this morning but was way too awake when I grabbed the camera. Her eyes pick up the light in such an evil way.

Her hair is growing back, so she does not look as much like an alien monster (or an o'possum).