Thursday, December 31, 2009

No fear!

No fear!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

When Marie at the pet shelter told us that Georgia was the right cat for this house, she was totally correct.

Georgia is not afraid of anything. That is the only kind of cat who could survive here with the two grinches. She does not make a pest of herself but nothing they do seems to get her rattled.

We still don't want to let her sleep outside "her room" nights, since I don't really believe she'd sleep quietly like the other two. But for the past few nights when it was time for Georgia to be put in her room, Snoopy's been in there sleeping on the bed. So Don's shut them both up together for the night. In the morning when I open the door, Georgia is first out but Snoopy is right on top of her and with no hissing and growling.

We've made so much progress.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Georgia and her Puff

Georgia and her Puff
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She's attached herself to this piece of string that has this puffball on one end and a little rabbit fur mouse with a bell on the other end. Actually they were two toys that she chewed from the poles they were originally attached to, and Don tied them together.

She drags this all around and will drop it at our feet as a signal that we should pick it up and toss it high in the air for her to jump and catch.

The other cats do not want to play, so she has found a way to make the humans play! She's a very smart cat!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas morning

Christmas morning
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is not waiting for Santa, but for birds and squirrels. She's not figured out that they don't usually come out until the sun's out.

Things are going exceptionally well with the three cats. I am amazed. I still feel bad that Sakaura will not play with Georgia, but I can see her becoming more mellow by the day. One day I really think these two girls could become playmates.

Snoopy is still her stoic self, but she had stopped the growling to a great extent. She and Georgia have actually been spotted sleeping on the same bed - not close to each other, but still, that is great progress, too.

We continue to be amused by the musical food bowls. They all eat separately and then can not wait until they can go and see if one of the others ate all of their food and if it was better than what they got. We feed Georgia and Sakaura the same food. Snoopy is a big eater, plus she gets medicine mixed in her morning food, so we have to make sure that she eats all of that, and she usually does.

Sakaura is a very picky eater. So far, it seems that Georgia is not a picky eater, but she does not have the huge appetite that Snoopy has.

Friday, December 25, 2009

My Christmas gift - 2009

In order to convince Don we needed another cat, I told him it would be my Christmas gift. So here is a picture of my gift - not wanted to pose or be held at all!

Since I got this gift, we decided not to do any overnight travels this Christmas. Nor did we put up a Christmas tree. That is a good trade off. Since it is only the two of us humans, putting up the tree was just a job I hated, plus taking it down was twice as bad.

We are not spending an overnight, but we are driving up to Concord for our dinner -- eating at the Colonial Inn.

The kitties will get a can of "human tuna" for their dinner tonight. I am not sure how Georgia will react to that, but my other two love it and only get it on special occasions.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Visions of sugarplums

Visions of sugarplums
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is just the cutest cat.
She's totally made herself at home and taken over all of the other cat's favorite spots!

She does not have a mean bone in her body. She is just very self-confident and she takes what she wants.

I'd like to be inside that little dream she is having in the picture. I can't imagine there is anything she might be wanting.

Except may for the other two grinches here to accept her and make her feel wanted.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snoopy - bird watching

Snoopy - bird watching
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Poor Snoopy. She was the original subject of this blog, but she's not been in the limelight lately.

As seen in the picture, she has come out of hiding. She roams around the house like she did before Sakaura came. She'd gotten a bit braver, but I believe the addition of the third cat has given her new confidence.

Georgia is much more interested in chasing Sakaura than fooling around with her. She got in a few loud growls, and I believe she's established her position as THE alpha cat again.

She is due to get blood work. I hope we do not have to increase her dosage, since with every increase the cost goes higher. She really needs a haircut. I know the vet will balk, but I may insist. She just gets so full of matted hair and I know that is uncomfortable for her. I believe it's been almost a year since her last cut, so at least she'd going longer in between than she used to.

Everything is going much smoother with the new addition than I'd have expected after just two and a half weeks.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

This is not as bad as it looks

Sakaura's true personality!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It pretty much does capture Sakaura's attitude though. She is not quite ready to declare a truce. Especially around her food bowl.

We are still feeding the three cats separately. We must do that with Snoopy since her morning feeding includes her medicine. So we lock her in the hall bathroom. Georgia is fed in "her room", and Sakaura in the kitchen.

Today Georgia did not eat all her food so I brought her bowl to the kitchen and Sakaura was eating it when Georgia decided that she wanted it, too. She is brave but Sakaura has an evil hiss and if you look at that face, she is not to be taken lightly.

So Georgia retreated. Sakaura finished up the food.

And now Georgia is happy watching birds come to the feeder in the snow. She is making that little chatter noise, and creeping up like she is going to be able to sneak up and get one of them.

Fun times at Le Casa Bruehl!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It's a week early, but I am trying to get into the mood.

When I was asking Don to let us get Georgia, I told him she could be my Christmas gift, and he reminds me of that from time to time.

She has brought us a lot of Joy, but we are still waiting for Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men (Cats?).

For now, the elder cats lay around and sleep most of the day, and Miss Georgia rules the roost.

We normally go away for a few days at Christmas, but because of my "living gift" we will just go out for Christmas dinner. I don't mind - I am loving my new "toy".

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bird watching

Bird watching
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I don't think the other cats need to worry about Georgia any more. She's discovered the outdoor bird feeder right outside the back door, and she spends hours just sitting and watching. She loves feathers so maybe she's chased real birds in another lifetime.

We are letting her stay out for longer periods of time. She is settling in nicely and even goes into "her room" from time to time, We have been putting her in there at night, because I doubt we'd get a lot of sleep with all three cats out and about.

Snoopy just pretty much ignores her. All it takes ia one loud growl, and she knows to back off. Sakaura is still playing right into her hands - hissing and running. But it is getting better.

Tomorrow Georgia goes to our vet to have her stitches removed. I think Don can do this alone. It's back to work for me tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ready to pounce

Ready to pounce
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She wants to play so badly. But she is such a good cat. She knows her limits and she won't instigate a fight.

We are so glad to have found her.

We tried to get an appointment this afternoon to have her stitches removed, but the vet is closing his office early. She will go in Monday -- he says a couple more days will not make a difference. Hope so!

I did weigh her yesteray - 7.5 pounds. So she's the runt around here. She certainly has the most energy, and so far, the best personality. I hope living with the two grinches does not make her change.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I do not like this new cat. One bit.
PLEASE return her so I can come out of my box.
She plays with MY toys. She sleeps in all of MY favorite spots.

Please, please - give her to Santa to give to someone who needs a cat.

We need no more cats in this house.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little Miss Sunshine

Loves sunshine
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

"If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up." ~ Jean Asper McIntosh

So she is all cooped up in a bedroom, but we figure she must feel like she's come a long way from the cage in the Pet Shop "infirmary" where she was recovering from her recent eye surgery.

She has loved laying in the sunshine. That room is full of cat toys, and she has her own full sized bed with an "egg crate foam topper" for goodness sakes -- what's not to like.

We've brought her out several times, holding her, of course. The other cats have not gotten too upset seeing her. I really feel that maybe this one will work out. But we still plan on keeping her isolated for several more days -- maybe until next weekend.

I am not sure what I will do next Friday when our housekeepers come in. The other cats are fine with that. Maybe we will have to put Georgia in a cat carrier until they're done. Will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Oh my. What have we done now?

Adopted another cat. A one-eyed cat, at that.

I hope the introduction to the other cats does not take forever. Right now we have them all separated. Georgia did escape once though and chased Sakaura down the stairs.

For now she is holed up in our bedroom and the other two cats are in their usual spots. Hope we make it through the night LOL