Thursday, April 29, 2010

Always hiding

Georgia loves to hide in all sorts of inaccessible (to me) spaces.  She likes to take advantage of my aging legs and make it hard for me to catch her.

Snoopy Update

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Miss Snoopy had her blood tests done on Tuesday and we got the report back yesterday. As Don said in his email to me, she aced the test. Her thyroid levels are within the acceptable range, so we won't have to increase her medication.

In other news, all of the cats are having trouble finding out which of the grain free foods they really like (mostly don't like).

If one likes a food, the other two hate it, and vice versa. I am going to continue though because I think diet is very important to their health and welfare.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kitty Update

Morning visitor

We are doing a little feeding experiment and so far the results have been good. Sakaura and Georgia had been throwing up hairballs it seemed daily and a friend of mind recommended that I try feeding them a grain free diet.

We were willing to give it a try so I bought a small supply of cat food and started them on it two weeks ago. We have not had one incident from either of them. I could not believe it would work so quickly.

They have taken to the food pretty well. I am really surprised at my picky eater Sakaura. She has loved almost all of the food offered to her. Georgia is a bit pickier. And poor old Snoopy - she still will eat anything. Just make sure there is a LOT of it.

Snoopy has an appointment on Tuesday to have her blood test to adjust her thyroid medication.  And she and Georgia both are due for rabies shots.  I hate to give Snoopy the shot, but if we ever want to board her again, it will be required.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


They really are friends now.

Of course, Georgia is the "boss".  She is the tiniest cat, but she carries all the weight in this family.

It is amusing though to see Sakaura looking for her and wanting her to play. 

This weekend we started the cats on a new "grain free" diet.  A friend told me that she has two cats who eat no grain and they do not shed nor do they ever cough up hairballs.  I can only dream, but I thought I'd try this.  So far they have taken to the food pretty well, too.

Of course, it's more expen$ive.  But if it works, I'm willing to pay extra.  Sakaura, who is the pickiest eater of them all is doing especially well eating the new food.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Best buddies?

Best buddies?
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I think they are only sharing the sunshine. Both are huge fans of open doors and windows and sunshine. Neither wants to go outside though. They are perfectly happy enjoying the fresh air from a distance.

It makes me wonder if they have bad memories associated with the outdoors. Both of them came from an animal shelter, so their background is really unknown. All we know is that they both had a litter of kittens at a pretty young age and they and their litters were put into shelters.

They certainly do not think they are shelter cats now - they have arrived and demand to be treated like royalty!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rainy Day Cat

Rainy Day Cat
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

This is THE most curious cat and she will make herself at home any place she chooses. I came in from work yesterday and put my umbrella down and she immediately made a bed of it.

Georgia and Sakaura have begun to play together and they have been seen bathing each others faces. I don't want them to know that we have seen this, because they would deny it ever happened!

Snoopy continues to be the matriarch. She and Georgia have an unspoken truce. The do nap together though, and Georgia knows enough to leave Snoopy alone. I'm not sure she knows that Snoopy has no claws, but she is very wary around her. I think it's the growl!

Speaking of Snoopy, she just sleeps away most of her time. But you can always depend on her to show up at what she deems the normal meal times. She is usually an hour early, though. The other two cats could care less about eating it seems. Maybe they know she will be the one who forces us to put out the canned cat food. However, both of them like dried food so they snack off and on all day long.