Monday, May 31, 2010

Life goes on

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Georgia has quickly taken over Snoopy's spot. I'd planned on getting rid of the blankets, etc. on that spare bed, but Miss G. has decided that is now her bed. I won't argue now.

The two girls are a bit confused. Snoopy was always the one who decided it was time to eat and they merely followed her lead. So for the past two days they have not really given any indication that it was time to bring out the cat food bowls.

I am thinking it will be pretty easy to retire the canned cat food. Neither of them are extremely fond of it and both seem to eat the dried food pretty well.

Time will tell. I miss Snoopy but I don't miss having to try to figure a way to get her medicine down her. She'd become extremely hard to dose lately and in fact for two or three days I'd just given her the liquid directly into her mouth. She hated that and so did I.

I hope these girls stay nice and healthy for a good long time.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Not a happy ending

I hope we have made the right decision.  The doctor who examined Snoopy this morning did not have a very good prognosis.  Because of the rapid onset and the fact that she was so filled with fluid, the suspicion was cancer.  The poor old girl was so sick that I could not even imagine taking this further.  IF it had been one of my younger cats, I'd have said yes - let's find out and treat it.  But Snoopy at almost 16 has already had her share of health problems-- diabetes, the thyroid disease, and a heart murmer.  I do not think she would have come back from any agressive testing and treatment.

Of course, the doctor can never tell you what to do.  But she said it was not a bad decision.  She said we had taken very good care of the cat over her lifetime, and I do hope and pray that is true.

Rest In Peace, Sweet Snoopy.
08/16/94 - 05/30/10

Now these three are back together again.

Where we started the holiday

Emergency room at Tufts Veterinary Hospital with Snoopy. Waiting now.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Snoopy is not doing well

I did not take this picture today, but she was hiding under the bed this morning. My poor old girl is looking very bad. She is not eating like normal and this morning she refused her food all together.

She is very good at sensing what food has medicine in it now. I am not sure if it is the stronger dose, or the new flavor. Anyway, I had to give her the medicine directly into her mouth this morning. You can believe she hated that. After the medicine and a trip downstairs to the litter box, she ate a bit of food.

I think our days of easily giving her the meds mixed in with wet cat food are over. I hope the full dose of medicine this morning will perk her up a bit. I have a feeling she's been avoiding getting all the medicine down for the past few days.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

So innocent

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Ha! She is resting up for her next episode of racing through the house like a maniac. She is wild at times. But she entertains herself (and us).

There is something about her lack of depth perception that makes her focus in on anything that shines - she sees reflections in the oddest objects and must attack. This morning she was attacking one of my shoes. When I looked at it, the light was causing a reflection off the shoe and that was all it took for Miss Georgia to think it was something she had to conquer and kill.

She has amazing vision though - she can spot the tiniest insect, and again, she is on a mission to kill.

We have had a pretty good week. Snoopy, however, has become quite picky with her food and it's been a challenge getting her medicine in. We got a new prescription this week. Stronger dosage, so we can give a lesser amount. We also switched from fish flavored to chicken flavored. I hope it works.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Picky eaters!

Georgia on the TJ's grocery bag
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

All of the cats are starting to be so picky about their food.

Today after lunch, we are going to Petland in Natick to see if we can find some Tiki Sardine Cutlets. I think that they ALL like that. Of course, if we do buy some, one of them will surely prove me wrong.

Even Snoopy is getting to be hard to feed. She thinks the other cats are getting better food than she is, even if it is exactly the same. It is very hard to outsmart a cat! But I try.