Saturday, May 16, 2009

Are you done yet?

Are you done yet?
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Do you think she is tried of posing for pictures LOL.

She is a pretty cat but not really that photogenic since her face usually is just a black blob.

She and Snoopy get nose to nose at times with just a hiss between them. I almost told a lady at work I'd take one of her 7 week old kittens, but I am not ready to start World War III again.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ho hum

Sakarua Mae!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It must be a tough life having to do all tha sleeping, not to mention the eating. Actually Sakaura is not much of a chow hound. She grazes and is more fond of dry cat food than wet.

She still feels the need to chase Snoopy almost every day. Snoopy must be used to it now because it does not seem to traumatize her like it did in the beginning.

They won't every get along. I have totally abandoned that idea.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wishing and hoping!

Wishing and hoping!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

If only they would open that window, darn it!

Of course, I am not sure what she would do IF she got outside alone. I won't be finding out anytime soon either.

Bed buddies!

Bed buddies!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I guess they keep her warm while she's so bare. Snoopy got her hair shaved on Wednesday, and she seems to want to just roll up into a ball and stay in bed all day.

She is on liquid antibiotics twice a day because her gums were inflamed after her teeth cleaning. She has some spots on her back where the clipper got a bit too close. Ouch!

But she is very clean and seems very content.