Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Snoopy is watching as her dinner is being dished up. She's obviously looking forward to this!

This is as close as they get

Close Encounter
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Snoopy will come and sit at this corner and sometimes Sakaura will come into the same vicinity, but they are both there thinking about being fed - not bonding.

I've been sort of worried that Snoopy was ill since on Monday she had little interest in eating. She is such a chow hound that any variance causes me a bit of alarm.

But today I was chopping up some ham and I felt a cat "swirling" around my legs. I assumed it was Sakaura until I heard some very loud purring and looked down to find Snoopy standing there begging for a handout. For her to come all the way into the kitchen is a very big step. That corner where she is sitting in the picture is usually as far as she will come out into the open.

And speaking of the ham, later on Sakaura came and I offered her a bite of ham. They both loved it. Sakaura is a picky eater - even of "human food" but she does like ham.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from Snoopy

Merry Christmas from Snoopy
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

A year ago today you were a very sick cat, Miss Snoopy. But you were on the mend, and we were so happy to have you back home.

A lot has changed for you, and you've adapted pretty well. Merry Christmas and hope you celebrate many more with us (in spite of the fact that you will be eating your Christmas dinner at the boarding kennel).

Merry Christmas from Sakaura

Merry Christmas from Sakaura
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Little does she know that she will be spending her first Christmas with us NOT with us. Of course, it is just another day to her, but I feel semi-guilty shipping her off to the Cat "SPA" for her holiday.

We will send along some of her Fancy Feast favorites, so hope she's not too mad when we return.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Worth 1000 Words

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

At least in her own mind, she has the power.

The spot where she is lying belongs to Snoopy, but Sakaura had claimed it lately. This does not please Snoopy but it's not worth a fight.

So Sakaura Mae (as I've nicknamed her) is here leering as Snoopy is glowering at her from the love seat.

Oh, and the other cat is nicknamed Snoopy Delia - not sure where that came from, but they both respond to those names.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sakaura on her turf

Sakaura on her turf
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

In the spirit of fairness, Saki should get a post, too.

Saki is a very "needy" cat. So I am not sure if my diagnosis of her being an Alpha Cat is totally correct. I have a lot of reading to do.

She is a very picky eater. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't and she refuses to eat anything that she does not approve of. Don mixed an entire bag of EXPENSIVE "Serengeti" cat food in with a bunch of "cat junk food" (Meow Mix, etc.). She can pick all around the Serengeti - she does now want a "healthy diet" and you can not make her eat one.

Snoopy the Dominant Cat

Snoopy the Dominant Cat
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I am not really sure that is true. I did order a book this week that I hope will help diffuse some of the ever present turf wars around here.

I think that both my cats are Alpha cats and that is part of the reason they don't get along.

It is much better and Snoopy is 100% more out in the open than she was even 6 months ago. BUT she still wants to stay in her bedroom most of the time. So I guess Sakaura is sort of winning the war.