Originally uploaded by fbruehl
Snoopy is watching as her dinner is being dished up. She's obviously looking forward to this!
Snoopy will come and sit at this corner and sometimes Sakaura will come into the same vicinity, but they are both there thinking about being fed - not bonding.
I've been sort of worried that Snoopy was ill since on Monday she had little interest in eating. She is such a chow hound that any variance causes me a bit of alarm.
But today I was chopping up some ham and I felt a cat "swirling" around my legs. I assumed it was Sakaura until I heard some very loud purring and looked down to find Snoopy standing there begging for a handout. For her to come all the way into the kitchen is a very big step. That corner where she is sitting in the picture is usually as far as she will come out into the open.
And speaking of the ham, later on Sakaura came and I offered her a bite of ham. They both loved it. Sakaura is a picky eater - even of "human food" but she does like ham.
A year ago today you were a very sick cat, Miss Snoopy. But you were on the mend, and we were so happy to have you back home.
A lot has changed for you, and you've adapted pretty well. Merry Christmas and hope you celebrate many more with us (in spite of the fact that you will be eating your Christmas dinner at the boarding kennel).
Little does she know that she will be spending her first Christmas with us NOT with us. Of course, it is just another day to her, but I feel semi-guilty shipping her off to the Cat "SPA" for her holiday.
We will send along some of her Fancy Feast favorites, so hope she's not too mad when we return.
At least in her own mind, she has the power.
The spot where she is lying belongs to Snoopy, but Sakaura had claimed it lately. This does not please Snoopy but it's not worth a fight.
So Sakaura Mae (as I've nicknamed her) is here leering as Snoopy is glowering at her from the love seat.
Oh, and the other cat is nicknamed Snoopy Delia - not sure where that came from, but they both respond to those names.
In the spirit of fairness, Saki should get a post, too.
Saki is a very "needy" cat. So I am not sure if my diagnosis of her being an Alpha Cat is totally correct. I have a lot of reading to do.
She is a very picky eater. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't and she refuses to eat anything that she does not approve of. Don mixed an entire bag of EXPENSIVE "Serengeti" cat food in with a bunch of "cat junk food" (Meow Mix, etc.). She can pick all around the Serengeti - she does now want a "healthy diet" and you can not make her eat one.
I am not really sure that is true. I did order a book this week that I hope will help diffuse some of the ever present turf wars around here.
I think that both my cats are Alpha cats and that is part of the reason they don't get along.
It is much better and Snoopy is 100% more out in the open than she was even 6 months ago. BUT she still wants to stay in her bedroom most of the time. So I guess Sakaura is sort of winning the war.
Snoopy did not vote BUT if she had, I'm sure she'd have gone for Obama!
Her hair has really grown out. I am not sure how long since her last haircut and I am hoping she will not get so tangled as to need another haircut soon. Since she's not on the insulin, and supposedly "cured" of her diabetes, it does not seem she has as much of a bad coat problem as she did back then. She still does not like to be brushed though.
She and Sakaura still do not love each other, but they are a bit more tolerant. Snoopy will come out and sit by the kitchen wall waiting to be fed. Sakaura will come and STARE at her - a bit of hissing but so far no scratching and clawing.
What big eyes you have!
Sakaura is the boss cat. She goes where ever she pleases!
She seems to want to taunt poor Snoopy by acting like most favored cat. But Snoopy does not fall for that. As long as she has food, she could care less about being favored!
Time for a progress report, I suppose.
First, Snoopy's hair has mostly grown back. It is not really as matted as it used to be - maybe her "miracle cure" from diabetes cured her bad skin condition, too.
She's a bit more comfortable around the house, but still does not like the other cat - ONE.BIT. At least they do not fight, so all is good.
My next door neighbor, Robin, has a geriatric cat, named Friskie. Don and I laugh at this since she really is anything but.
She's a crotchety old cat, who seems to prefer women to men. I suppose that is no surprise since she lives with all females.
It was surprising to me that she moved here and is an indoor/outdoor cat who never seemed to realize she was not at home. I'd have freaked out that my cat would have tried to return back to my previous residence.
Robin says she refuses to stay indoors all the time, so she lets her out and then back in again. She's the queen cat of the neighborhood. Several cats try to come around but she lets them know who's the boss!
Playing with Picnik and since I could not get rid of her red eye, I thought I'd let her go pink.
We have had some serious spats lately. Sakaura does not like the fact that Snoopy has gotten a bit braver and she makes sure she puts her in her place from time to time.
I gave her claws a good trim this morning. She has an unfair advantage over poor clawless Snoopy.
Why did Snoopy get so brave as to come out into Sakaura's territory? She is not one bit happy to have her sitting there staring at her.
Don and I are laughing at the big deal we have made of Snoopy walking two or three steps when she used to freely roam the house like she owned it.
I do believe that she is getting much braver though and this is with NO medication.
This week we have seen more progress in cat behavior than we have in the past 9 months. Snoopy has actually begun to come out of her "safe spots" and into the open. This is most always related to eating, but that is okay. Seems she will do anything for food.
Yesterday she actually left the bathroom where she eats dinner and on her own walked into the living room and got up on the sofa where Don normally brings her physically every day. He says it confirms to him that she really likes that spot and the growling she does when he carries her there is only related to the fact that she does not like to be picked up. Whatever!
She and Sakaura still do not kiss and groom each other but they have had a few very close encounters in the past few days with no fighting.
Baby steps!
She's become so much more alert and she is actually venturing out of some of her hiding places lately. I think that the trip to the boarding kennel the first week in September had a positive effect on Madame Snoopy.
Here she's sitting in her spot on the sofa waiting for Don to flip a cat toy over for her to chase. She's off her valium. And a trip to the vet last week to check her blood sugar shows she still does not need the insulin.
She's an old cat and shows signs of the old age, but all in all, she is improving. It's been a long road!
Sakaura has full claws and so far we've managed to keep her from shredding the furniture. I recently purchased this carpet covered "tunnel" that she jumps on top of to sharpen her claws, and sometimes she get inside it to play with the little mouse that dangles from the top.
She's a playful cat. I guess we got so used to our geriatric Snoopy that we are easily amused by a cat playing with toys again.
On a positive note, we've seen a bit on improvement in Snoopy's independence since we brought both cats to the boarding kennel last weekend. She has actually ventured into the kitchen on occasion and she has begun going up and down the stairs totally on her own to use her litterbox. Previously, Don would carry her (like an invalid -- or a princess).
Cat's are not best friends, but there is much more tolerance it seems.
The valium really does help make Snoopy a very mellow cat. Except for some up close and personal encounters with the "evil Sakaura", she spends most of her days lounging on the sofa or in "her bedroom".
She's gotten brave enough to make a few trips downstairs that are not initiated by Don. Once she's done with the litter box, she has a cat condo that she perches on top of and feels safe from "the monster".
A lot of her hair has grown back. I am trying to keep her brushed to put off the inevitable haircut. Her hair seems to have thinned a lot in spots. She is getting to be a really geriatric cat, I guess.
She thinks she is so human and she looks human at times, as well. The other day she got up on the sofa and was sitting there watching tv in this pose. The look on her face when I got the camera was priceless.
She is not a nice cat, but she is so darn cute that she can get by with being such a terror!
Not bby choice, of course. But I was glad to get a photo of her without the dreaded flash and the flaming eyes.
Don carries her around like she's an invalid. I guess she really is - at least mentally. She is afraid of her own shadow since we have had the invader Sakaura come into the picture.
This afternoon Sakaura decided she wanted to sleep on the sofa and jumped right up into Snoopy's face. I think she didn't realize that Snoopy was there because she cautiously backed off - after a couple of not so friendly hisses. No screeching or screaming or slapping - progress!
She is seriously pretty!
This was taken while Don had her sitting outside on the deck rail. I am not comfortable with her being outdoors, since we know nothing of her background and I'd hate for her to escape and run away.
She obviously has had encounters with bad weather given her fear of thunder and lightening, so I wonder if she was at one time an outdoor cat.
At any rate, I do not like her having too much freedom! She does very well as indoor only cat, despite the fact that she has claws. She's been great about not clawing carpets and furniture.
She's a good cat!
She spends most of her time hiding from the sound of the daily thunder. Snoopy does not seem to even notice. It makes me wonder if Sakaura had some experience in her life that caused her to cringe and run and hide during stormy weather.
I feel so badly for her. She is becoming a recluse just like Snoopy. We are good to her and we love her, but I am sad that she is all alone with no other cat companionship.
But what do I know. I felt the same way about Snoopy and she really wishes I'd just kept to my own business and let her be "the only cat".
He was good while he lasted, but his attitude lately has brought the entire team down. It's time to say bye bye!
Snoopy was asleep in her usual spot this morning but was way too awake when I grabbed the camera. Her eyes pick up the light in such an evil way.
Her hair is growing back, so she does not look as much like an alien monster (or an o'possum).
We also got a picture of a stone age saber toothed cat (just the bones), at the Harvard Museum of Natural Science.
It was a fun day for us, and I assume the girls at home had fun laying around and sleeping with no human annoyances.
Flo -
It was a very nice morning for walking again. Sakaura greeted me at the door. When I stepped in, she stepped out. Luckily I could grab her before she made the next move. Wheeeeewww!!! We can't really trust her.
Yesterday Don put Snoopy down in the doorway of "her room" where she normally will walk over and either get up on the bed or go into her tent. He said that out of nowhere there came a blur of a cat and all sorts of screeching and hissing ensued. Sakaura was on the attack.
Poor Snoopy ran under the bed to hide. She was not too traumatized though because when dinner time came she made her way to her food bowl without assistance.
I'd wished these two would be friends, but I don't think that will happen. I do hope that at some point Snoopy will turn around and attack Sakaura to take some of the wind out of her sails! She thinks she is invincible.
Only occasionally! Yesterday she had a very traumatic encounter with the "other cat" in the hallway.
She is generally happy to sleep on this blanket o the sofa. Right now she is there - bathing herself. As you can see her hair is growing back out - so she looks more like a normal cat. She till has the remnants of the tuft on the end of her tail.
She has come a long way in the past 7 months. She is still testing good as far as her blood sugar goes - so no insulin. Her weight is pretty steady - around 13 pounds, down from her high of over 18 pounds. Don thinks the weight loss is keeping the diabetes at bay - that may be true.
The cat seems discontent with what is in the foodbowl. In multicat households this is manifested by cats going from one bowl to another in search of something more enticing. Afflicted cats may also follow the owner to cupboards and demand to investigate every opened can or packet in the hope of a better meal. In severe cases, cats show excessive interest when the owner opens a can of baked beans.
An ever-changing selection of gourmet meals is the cat's preferred solution. This entails enrolment on cookery courses and animal nutrition courses. Alternatively, offer a buffet selection of both canned and dry kitty foods purchased in small
packages while advising it that its ancestors had to make do with nothing but mouse. Explain that Big Sid, the local feral with the appetite and table manners of a furry bulldozer, will be joining the cat at meal times. Most modern cats will opt for the buffet rather than risk losing it to Big Sid.