Snoopy's courage came from a heavy dose of anesthesia, and she's back to her fearful self again.
Sakaura, on the other hand, is becoming braver as the days pass.
I have given up on these cats ever being friends. I am just hoping now that they can come to co-exist and that Snoopy will emerge from her hiding spots and join the household again.

That may be a lot to ask of this cat. She's always been anti-social, and this newcomer is such a pesky little cat, that Snoopy's totally intimidated and not at all interested in getting to know her.
I couldn't resist snapping this photo of Sakaura last night. All she needs is the beer bottle and the remote control to look that that big white cat photo that circulates the net from time to time.

Don's brought Snoopy out to sleep on the sofa for a while. As long as we are all here these two will ignore each other. BUT if we leave them alone, all heck will break loose.
Since it's a snow day we will likely be able to monitor their behavior for most of the day.