That would be Sakaura's cry this morning. She is not a happy kitty. Today was another ear mite treatment, and then I decided it was time to clip the nails - all four paws. So she is now pouting under the coffee table. Her wounded pride won't last too long though. She'll be back giving us her innocent look.

Last night I caught Snoopy sitting in the bathroom giving Sakaura the raspberry (or at least it looks that way). She is still so afraid and tiptoes around trying to avoid running into her nemesis. Last night Don said he heard a "growl down" and went into Snoopy's bedroom and found Sakaura up on the bed with her - both of the growling loudly. I wish they would just get over it!
There was an actual clawing and scratching (and screeching) fight mid-week. It's not getting any better at all. But we keep hoping.
Today's mission is to find some sort of carrying basket for Snoopy - she hates to be held, but Don taxis her around up and down the stairs to protect her (he says). I had a basket for my yarn at one time that she loved to ride in, so I need to find another of those.
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