We increased her valium to a whole pill twice daily through the weekend in order to see if that helps. The vet called last week to check on her and said we could try Prozac if we wanted and see if it made a bigger difference than the valium. I think we will try the whole valium for a week at least, and then maybe try the Prozac.

While the cats do not "love" each other, things have gotten considerably better with Snoopy as far as her fearfulness goes.
So Snoopy will now go from the bedroom to the bathroom to eat and she will, on her own, go downstairs to the litter box, and come back up and go into the bathroom. Don says that for the past two nights he's found her sitting in the bathroom at 2 or 3 a.m. - waiting for food. The valium really has made her ravenous, but we are trying not to let her overeat. We don't need to be fighting the diabetes again.
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