Thursday, December 31, 2009

No fear!

No fear!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

When Marie at the pet shelter told us that Georgia was the right cat for this house, she was totally correct.

Georgia is not afraid of anything. That is the only kind of cat who could survive here with the two grinches. She does not make a pest of herself but nothing they do seems to get her rattled.

We still don't want to let her sleep outside "her room" nights, since I don't really believe she'd sleep quietly like the other two. But for the past few nights when it was time for Georgia to be put in her room, Snoopy's been in there sleeping on the bed. So Don's shut them both up together for the night. In the morning when I open the door, Georgia is first out but Snoopy is right on top of her and with no hissing and growling.

We've made so much progress.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Georgia and her Puff

Georgia and her Puff
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She's attached herself to this piece of string that has this puffball on one end and a little rabbit fur mouse with a bell on the other end. Actually they were two toys that she chewed from the poles they were originally attached to, and Don tied them together.

She drags this all around and will drop it at our feet as a signal that we should pick it up and toss it high in the air for her to jump and catch.

The other cats do not want to play, so she has found a way to make the humans play! She's a very smart cat!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas morning

Christmas morning
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is not waiting for Santa, but for birds and squirrels. She's not figured out that they don't usually come out until the sun's out.

Things are going exceptionally well with the three cats. I am amazed. I still feel bad that Sakaura will not play with Georgia, but I can see her becoming more mellow by the day. One day I really think these two girls could become playmates.

Snoopy is still her stoic self, but she had stopped the growling to a great extent. She and Georgia have actually been spotted sleeping on the same bed - not close to each other, but still, that is great progress, too.

We continue to be amused by the musical food bowls. They all eat separately and then can not wait until they can go and see if one of the others ate all of their food and if it was better than what they got. We feed Georgia and Sakaura the same food. Snoopy is a big eater, plus she gets medicine mixed in her morning food, so we have to make sure that she eats all of that, and she usually does.

Sakaura is a very picky eater. So far, it seems that Georgia is not a picky eater, but she does not have the huge appetite that Snoopy has.

Friday, December 25, 2009

My Christmas gift - 2009

In order to convince Don we needed another cat, I told him it would be my Christmas gift. So here is a picture of my gift - not wanted to pose or be held at all!

Since I got this gift, we decided not to do any overnight travels this Christmas. Nor did we put up a Christmas tree. That is a good trade off. Since it is only the two of us humans, putting up the tree was just a job I hated, plus taking it down was twice as bad.

We are not spending an overnight, but we are driving up to Concord for our dinner -- eating at the Colonial Inn.

The kitties will get a can of "human tuna" for their dinner tonight. I am not sure how Georgia will react to that, but my other two love it and only get it on special occasions.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Visions of sugarplums

Visions of sugarplums
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is just the cutest cat.
She's totally made herself at home and taken over all of the other cat's favorite spots!

She does not have a mean bone in her body. She is just very self-confident and she takes what she wants.

I'd like to be inside that little dream she is having in the picture. I can't imagine there is anything she might be wanting.

Except may for the other two grinches here to accept her and make her feel wanted.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snoopy - bird watching

Snoopy - bird watching
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Poor Snoopy. She was the original subject of this blog, but she's not been in the limelight lately.

As seen in the picture, she has come out of hiding. She roams around the house like she did before Sakaura came. She'd gotten a bit braver, but I believe the addition of the third cat has given her new confidence.

Georgia is much more interested in chasing Sakaura than fooling around with her. She got in a few loud growls, and I believe she's established her position as THE alpha cat again.

She is due to get blood work. I hope we do not have to increase her dosage, since with every increase the cost goes higher. She really needs a haircut. I know the vet will balk, but I may insist. She just gets so full of matted hair and I know that is uncomfortable for her. I believe it's been almost a year since her last cut, so at least she'd going longer in between than she used to.

Everything is going much smoother with the new addition than I'd have expected after just two and a half weeks.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

This is not as bad as it looks

Sakaura's true personality!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It pretty much does capture Sakaura's attitude though. She is not quite ready to declare a truce. Especially around her food bowl.

We are still feeding the three cats separately. We must do that with Snoopy since her morning feeding includes her medicine. So we lock her in the hall bathroom. Georgia is fed in "her room", and Sakaura in the kitchen.

Today Georgia did not eat all her food so I brought her bowl to the kitchen and Sakaura was eating it when Georgia decided that she wanted it, too. She is brave but Sakaura has an evil hiss and if you look at that face, she is not to be taken lightly.

So Georgia retreated. Sakaura finished up the food.

And now Georgia is happy watching birds come to the feeder in the snow. She is making that little chatter noise, and creeping up like she is going to be able to sneak up and get one of them.

Fun times at Le Casa Bruehl!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It's a week early, but I am trying to get into the mood.

When I was asking Don to let us get Georgia, I told him she could be my Christmas gift, and he reminds me of that from time to time.

She has brought us a lot of Joy, but we are still waiting for Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men (Cats?).

For now, the elder cats lay around and sleep most of the day, and Miss Georgia rules the roost.

We normally go away for a few days at Christmas, but because of my "living gift" we will just go out for Christmas dinner. I don't mind - I am loving my new "toy".

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bird watching

Bird watching
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I don't think the other cats need to worry about Georgia any more. She's discovered the outdoor bird feeder right outside the back door, and she spends hours just sitting and watching. She loves feathers so maybe she's chased real birds in another lifetime.

We are letting her stay out for longer periods of time. She is settling in nicely and even goes into "her room" from time to time, We have been putting her in there at night, because I doubt we'd get a lot of sleep with all three cats out and about.

Snoopy just pretty much ignores her. All it takes ia one loud growl, and she knows to back off. Sakaura is still playing right into her hands - hissing and running. But it is getting better.

Tomorrow Georgia goes to our vet to have her stitches removed. I think Don can do this alone. It's back to work for me tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ready to pounce

Ready to pounce
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She wants to play so badly. But she is such a good cat. She knows her limits and she won't instigate a fight.

We are so glad to have found her.

We tried to get an appointment this afternoon to have her stitches removed, but the vet is closing his office early. She will go in Monday -- he says a couple more days will not make a difference. Hope so!

I did weigh her yesteray - 7.5 pounds. So she's the runt around here. She certainly has the most energy, and so far, the best personality. I hope living with the two grinches does not make her change.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I do not like this new cat. One bit.
PLEASE return her so I can come out of my box.
She plays with MY toys. She sleeps in all of MY favorite spots.

Please, please - give her to Santa to give to someone who needs a cat.

We need no more cats in this house.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little Miss Sunshine

Loves sunshine
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

"If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up." ~ Jean Asper McIntosh

So she is all cooped up in a bedroom, but we figure she must feel like she's come a long way from the cage in the Pet Shop "infirmary" where she was recovering from her recent eye surgery.

She has loved laying in the sunshine. That room is full of cat toys, and she has her own full sized bed with an "egg crate foam topper" for goodness sakes -- what's not to like.

We've brought her out several times, holding her, of course. The other cats have not gotten too upset seeing her. I really feel that maybe this one will work out. But we still plan on keeping her isolated for several more days -- maybe until next weekend.

I am not sure what I will do next Friday when our housekeepers come in. The other cats are fine with that. Maybe we will have to put Georgia in a cat carrier until they're done. Will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Oh my. What have we done now?

Adopted another cat. A one-eyed cat, at that.

I hope the introduction to the other cats does not take forever. Right now we have them all separated. Georgia did escape once though and chased Sakaura down the stairs.

For now she is holed up in our bedroom and the other two cats are in their usual spots. Hope we make it through the night LOL

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Evil eye

Evil eye
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I believe we have had Sakaura for almost two years and this is about as close as these two cats will get to each other. They sometimes actually get close enough to smell each other - which is a far stretch from the early days when all they could do was hiss and spew and fight.

They will never be close buddies, but they are finally tolerant and, best of all, Snoopy is no longer afraid to come out from under the bed.

She roams the house whenever she wants and spends a lot of time being "social".

We need to have her in for a blood check next week to see if the current level of medicine is working. Fingers crossed.

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's been a long time with no update

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Snoopy continues to improve in my opinion. Of course, her bloodwork has not yet shown that the hyperthyroidism is under control. Her medication has increased from .5 ml a day to 1.5 ml. a day. We go back in a couple of weeks for another set of blood tests. I hope that the levels will be down this time. So far we have had no trouble dosing her, but I suspect that if we increae the dosage much more she will begin to taste the medicine in her food.

We have to give it to her in one dose so maybe if we need to increase we could split it between morning and evening.

But, as I said, her behavior is much more normal. She is no longer terrified of Sakarua. And she is much braver about walking around the house much like she did when we had the other two cats.

I'm not sure how much longer she will hang on. She moves slowly, and she is beginning to need another haircut. But her appetite is good and she plays like a kitten most days. So for now all is good.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It has only taken 18 months to get to this point and they are not really playing. Snoopy is playing with Sakaura's toy and Her Majesty is sitting by scowling.

Yesterday, Snoopy went in for blood draw and today we will get the results. I hope the medicine is working at the current level. It is a tiny dose and she has never even suspected she's being medicated.

Her personality is so much better lately. She comes out into the family living area instead of just emerging to eat and then running back into the spare bedroom, many times to stay UNDER the bed.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bubba Cat

Bubba Cat
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

We will find out next week or the week after if she is putting on some weight. She appears to be, but it is because her hair is growing.

She has very reluctanly let me comb her hair twice. I so wish she would allow that so we don't have to resort to shaving but I don't think that it will ever happen.

She and Sakaura are almost touching noses in the mornings - Don said neither of them wants to rush into anything in their relationship. At least Snoopy's come out from under the bed!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Playful Kitty again!

Playful Kitty again!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I think we are seeing some real positive effects of the Methimazole. Snoopy is as playful as a kitten.

She has moved out of her "bedroom" where she has hidden for the past two years and is joining in the mainstream here.

This is very alarming to the other cat -- but she will just have to deal!

After next week we will have blood tests done - I am pretty sure there will be some good positive results.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Snoopy - 8/15

Snoopy - 8/15
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

We started the thryoid medication last Tuesday morning. We have had no trouble at all administering it. Thank God for compounding pharmacies who can make "flavored" liquid medicines. I chose fish flavored and later wondered if perhaps I should have gone for the chicken flavor, but so far the fish has worked well.

I am not sure that I can tell any difference yet, and maybe we won't be able to tell much difference. We are to make an appointment after she's been on this medication for two weeks to have new blood tests done. I guess we will need to see if the current (tiny) dose is enough, too much, or whatever.

We are still giving her the Resthyro in the evenings. I am not sure that is needed, but I have the medicine, and it did seem to calm her a bit, so we will continue.

She's is gradually getting braver. She no longer fears Sakaura, but she avoids her and does not openly associate with her. Yesterday, Snoopy was licking food off a spoon and Sakaura used that as an opportunity to walk up to her and take a big sniff. A year and a half and they are still so aloof.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Good news/Bad news

Good news/Bad news
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Snoopy's bloodwork came back showing that her thyroid levels are still high, indicating the alternative treatment is not working. But the Resthyro has helped her become much more calm and social, so we will continue using it.

Other good news is that the compounding pharmacy can make a flavored liquid medicine, which should make it easier to dose her than the bitter pills. I asked the vet for the smallest possible amount in order to give it a trial.

If the liquid won't work, we will go with the transdermal. That is really a chore that I'd like to avoid -- both for me as well as for the cat.

This morning Snoopy was playiing with a ball filled with catnip just like a young kitten. She has not done that in years.

In other good news she had gained an ounce or so since the last visit to the vet. The thyroid disease causes weight loss, so the gain even small was a good thing.

Glass is half full here :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Snoopy goes for blood work today

Attack cat!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

So we will get some feedback soon on how well the supplement is working as far as Snoopy's thyroid issues.

Her levels were quite low, almost borderline, before, but I am hoping for a reduction after 4 weeks of Resthyro.

IF she needs additional treatment, we definitely will choose the transdermal delivery. I refuse to give her bitter pills!

Keeping fingers crossed for some good numbers!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Serious Sakaura

Serious Sakaura
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is seriously a pretty cat -- a spoiled cat, as well.

We have finally found a canned cat food that she likes. It is one I'd never have ever guessed and we just bought the case of it because it was on sale and we figured Snoopy would eat it. Turns ot Sakaura loves Fancy Feast Turkey & Giblets -- who knew?

Snoopy, on the other hand, will still eat most anything we put in front of her.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Snoopy bathing

Snoopy bathing
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She always grooms herself when she has the short hair but once that stuff starts to grow out she just gives up.

No real change, but that also means she has gotten no worse, so that is good. I know we need to bring her in to have her blood tests run. I am putting that off, since I know they will need to give her a mild sedative in order to be able to draw the blood.

Maybe we will have that done later in the fall.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nosy cats!

Nosy cats!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

These cats are so curious. They love to see bags come into the house just in case there might be something in there for them. In this case there was -- some Fancy Feast for Snoopy.

She's coming out of her room a bit more. Still not as social as she was before Sakaura's arrival, but a big change from constantly hiding under the bed. They tolerate each other, but there is still some hissing and spewing.

Snoopy's hair is growing back. I wish it would stay the length it is right now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sakarua sniffing the veggies

Sakarua sniffing the veggies
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is so nosy! This is our CSA box that I was attempting to photograph. Of course, the curious cat had to come over and check it out.

Serious Snoopy

Serious Snoopy
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I wish her eyes didn't glow like embers. It's hard to catch her at an angle that does not cause the flash to light up in her eyes.

She continues to do well. She's braver than she was. In fact, she pretty much roams the house at will these days. This morning she was nose to nose with Sakaura. I was scratching Sakaura's head and Snoopy was within a hair of touching her until I stopped the scratching and the loud HISS started.

Of course, both cats spend most of their days snoozing!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Snoopy waiting for food

Snoopy waiting for food
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is always waiting for food. But, if this makes any sense at all, she does not seem as hungry as before. She will actually leave food at times -- which is a very strange behavior for this chow hound.

Last night I went to bed to watch tv and Don walked by and said "You have company." I looked down and Snoopy was sitting there trying to gather up all her strength to jump on the bed. We have one of those VERY high beds and she has trouble jumping that high. He offered to assist her and she did not protest. Once on top of the bed she came up and wriggled down under the covers! She's not done that in forever -- and certainly not on her own.

I am looking at that as another wee bit of progress.

We've still not taken her back for blood tests. Maybe at the end of the month we will see if her number have reduced at all. Fingers are crossed!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Snoopy eating Sakaura's crunchies

Snoopy eating Sakaura's crunchies
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She's quite brave to sit here eating from her enemy's food bowl. But where food is concerned she shows no fear!

Her hair is coming back in nicely, but I am having no luck getting her to like being combed/brushed.

For some reason it's like I expect her to have a total personality change at this advanced age, and I must come to grips with the fact that it's just not going to happen.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Snoopy & friends

Snoopy & friends
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It's been a week since we started Snoopy on the Resthyro and so far so good. We have had no problems dosing her. I mix her 6 drops directly into her wet food. I tried to see if she'd take it directly from the dropper but that was not successful, but she gets it all in via the food, so that's fine.

It is hard to tell if it is helping, but there are a couple of changes. For one, she seems to be much calmer and more self-asssured around Sakaura. She has even taken to coming into our bedroom - I think only on the weekends when she thinks we sleep too late. This morning I sat up in bed and saw her emerging from under the bed so that is where she is hiding.

She normally goes from eating back to the bed and then comes out to eat again. This past week she's been going to sit in a chair in "her bedroom" that is by the window. Not earthshaking news -- but for her that is a huge change.

One of the symptoms of hyperthryroidism in cats is yowling and she'd done that to a small extent prior to startng this medicine. I am happy to report that has been NO yowling this past week. So that is a sign that something is going on.

I want to wait at least a month before we have her blood checked again. Then we will decide if we continue with this or settle for the "drugs". I am hoping we can keep up with the herbal treatment!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Nothing new to report on Monday

Image by fbruehl via Flickr
Snoopy is still taking the herbal drops. I'm adding them directly into her food and she's polishing that off quite nicely.

I'd like to think she's a bit calmer, and we've not heard the yowling that she'd started doing.

This morning she was back at her place in the hall, waiting for us to get up. But she did venture into our bedroom both nights of the weekend. Perhaps it was because we did sleep a bit later than we do on the work days.

I did weigh her yesterday and she's just over 12 pounds.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day Two - Resthyro

Snoopy - June 14
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

This morning she didn't really want to drink the milk with the medicine, so I poured it over her food. I think she just wanted the food more than the milk. Tonight I will just add the drops of medicine directly into the food.

She was somewhere in our bedroom this morning when we got up. I got up and went to turn the light on in the hall bathroom (where she normally hangs out) and she came running out of our dark bedroom. I think maybe she is sneaking in and under the bed. Definitely different behavior.

She's also much braver facing down Sakaura. Still not buddies, but no more fighting and since she does not run, there is no chasing. I think Sakaura is disappointed LOL!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day One - Herbal Therapy

It may be too early to see a difference and perhaps it is a stretch to think that just one dose actually has had any effect.  But this morning, when I stepped out of bed, I almost stepped on Snoopy.  Instead of lurking out in the hall, she was on the rug right by the bed - right next to where Sakaura was laying and,  I am sure, staring her down.

This morning she got her second dose - 6 drops in a tiny amount of milk.  I guess I should actually measure the milk so tonight I will do that.  Likely a tablespoon will be enough.

In other news, even though her hair is extremely short, I'm combing her.  I want to see if maybe she will get used to that comb so that once her hair grows out she will let me continue.  Some of the testimonials on the site indicate that their cats have developed better coats after this treatment.  I know this is hoping for a miracle, but it may just work. Fingers Crossed emoticon

I need to track the results, so I think I'll use this blog.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Snoopy starts her herbal medicine today

Snoopy's bloodwork shows she may have early hyperthroidism, which we understand is very common in older cats. After doing some online research, we found an herbal treatment that may be easier on her than the "drugs" the doctor has suggested. The vet did agree that perhaps we should try the herbs for a few weeks and then have her tested again.

So we got the Resthryo tonight and just administered the first dose. She only needs 5-6 drops, so I mixed it with a little bit of milk and she drank it right up!

I am so hopeful that it will work!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Today we made a trip to Tower Hill Botanical Gardens. This is the local cat and he had something cornered in a hole in the grass here.

It was a most friendly cat, allowing me to pet him and purring. I am sure he gets a lot of attention with all the site seers around.

What a gorgeous day for cats and people!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Are you done yet?

Are you done yet?
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Do you think she is tried of posing for pictures LOL.

She is a pretty cat but not really that photogenic since her face usually is just a black blob.

She and Snoopy get nose to nose at times with just a hiss between them. I almost told a lady at work I'd take one of her 7 week old kittens, but I am not ready to start World War III again.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ho hum

Sakarua Mae!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It must be a tough life having to do all tha sleeping, not to mention the eating. Actually Sakaura is not much of a chow hound. She grazes and is more fond of dry cat food than wet.

She still feels the need to chase Snoopy almost every day. Snoopy must be used to it now because it does not seem to traumatize her like it did in the beginning.

They won't every get along. I have totally abandoned that idea.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wishing and hoping!

Wishing and hoping!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

If only they would open that window, darn it!

Of course, I am not sure what she would do IF she got outside alone. I won't be finding out anytime soon either.

Bed buddies!

Bed buddies!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I guess they keep her warm while she's so bare. Snoopy got her hair shaved on Wednesday, and she seems to want to just roll up into a ball and stay in bed all day.

She is on liquid antibiotics twice a day because her gums were inflamed after her teeth cleaning. She has some spots on her back where the clipper got a bit too close. Ouch!

But she is very clean and seems very content.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fresh air.

Fresh air.
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Snoopy has become brave enough to venture out into the open and sit by the back door - on occasion. She still spends the majority of her time hiding away.

We were almost shocked to see her sitting by the open door. Sakaura was most unhappy, but her bark is much worse than her bite, and she sat across the room and sulked!

Body language says it all

She does not like this cat! Not that she likes any cat, I guess, but when this cat comes to the porch she goes nuts.
Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sakaura Fit!

Sakaura Fit!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

The little green plastic pulled off the milk carton top is her idea of keeping fit (to the right in the picture).

She is fascinated by boxes of any kind, of course.

I may have created a monster today. Putting the leash on her and letting her walk outside is making her stand at the door and beg for more.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Unbelievable, they are on the same bed at the same time. Of course.the scowl on Sakaura's face tells the whole truth!

The background here is that Don opened the window by the bed, and Sakaura was fascinated with that. The fresh air always attracts both of these cats. He put her on the bed, but she did sit there for a long time. Long enough for him to call me and for me to grab the camera and get a few pictures.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Snoopy scouting squirrels!

Snoopy scouting squirrels!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

This is the closet cat. I had to grab the camera to get a picture of this.

It got stuffy in the house, so Don opened our back door, and within minutes, Snoopy had ambled out of her hiding spot to breathe in some fresh air.

Meaninless to anybody but me, but this is BIG!

Of course, as she walked back to her room, Sakarua had to rush her and slap at her with a big hiss. Snoopy ran, but did not hide under the bed. I think she's about figured out that Sakaura's bark is much worse than her bite.

Baby steps!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

When she is sleeping

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

she is good! LOL

I love her little pink tongue sticking out like that. It's a sure sign that she is relaxed and fast asleep.

Cats are coexisting a bit better. Still not buddies, but fewer spats it seems. Snoopy is most comfortable cleaning out Sakaura's food bowl twice a day.

She has started eating more so we have to watch out that she does not gain too much weight and perhaps have the diabetes flare up again.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

When we went to Vermont for Christmas dinner, I bought this Meow decal but it's been so cold, wet, icy out that I've not put it on my car yet.

Sakaura has taken over the sofa these days. Snoopy is hiding now down in the basement because I got out the Furminator this morning. She is in dire need of a haircut but I'm trying to hold off until it is a bit warmer. I don't like the idea of having her undergo anesthesia at her age, but it is the only way she can be groomed. She also probably needs her teeth cleaned - they usually do the haircut and the cleaning in the same appointment.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Snoopy waiting on food

Snoopy waiting on food
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She spends a lot ot time in this spot right outside the kitchen. She has a regular routine where she appears here to wait...and to wait...and to wait.

This old girl has come a long way in a year's time. She's figured out that she is still the boss around here and the young upstart is just a pain in the butt, not a real threat to her safety.

She really likes the fact that Sakaura is such a picky eater. She loves to scavenge over her leftovers!

Sakaura on Ice

Sakaura on Ice
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I don't think she would make a very good outdoor cat. I wonder if she ever did wander around outside in her "other life". If she did, she's forgotten all about that now that she is a Princess who must be waited on hand and foot!