Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Serious Sakaura

Serious Sakaura
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is seriously a pretty cat -- a spoiled cat, as well.

We have finally found a canned cat food that she likes. It is one I'd never have ever guessed and we just bought the case of it because it was on sale and we figured Snoopy would eat it. Turns ot Sakaura loves Fancy Feast Turkey & Giblets -- who knew?

Snoopy, on the other hand, will still eat most anything we put in front of her.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Snoopy bathing

Snoopy bathing
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She always grooms herself when she has the short hair but once that stuff starts to grow out she just gives up.

No real change, but that also means she has gotten no worse, so that is good. I know we need to bring her in to have her blood tests run. I am putting that off, since I know they will need to give her a mild sedative in order to be able to draw the blood.

Maybe we will have that done later in the fall.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nosy cats!

Nosy cats!
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

These cats are so curious. They love to see bags come into the house just in case there might be something in there for them. In this case there was -- some Fancy Feast for Snoopy.

She's coming out of her room a bit more. Still not as social as she was before Sakaura's arrival, but a big change from constantly hiding under the bed. They tolerate each other, but there is still some hissing and spewing.

Snoopy's hair is growing back. I wish it would stay the length it is right now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sakarua sniffing the veggies

Sakarua sniffing the veggies
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is so nosy! This is our CSA box that I was attempting to photograph. Of course, the curious cat had to come over and check it out.

Serious Snoopy

Serious Snoopy
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I wish her eyes didn't glow like embers. It's hard to catch her at an angle that does not cause the flash to light up in her eyes.

She continues to do well. She's braver than she was. In fact, she pretty much roams the house at will these days. This morning she was nose to nose with Sakaura. I was scratching Sakaura's head and Snoopy was within a hair of touching her until I stopped the scratching and the loud HISS started.

Of course, both cats spend most of their days snoozing!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Snoopy waiting for food

Snoopy waiting for food
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

She is always waiting for food. But, if this makes any sense at all, she does not seem as hungry as before. She will actually leave food at times -- which is a very strange behavior for this chow hound.

Last night I went to bed to watch tv and Don walked by and said "You have company." I looked down and Snoopy was sitting there trying to gather up all her strength to jump on the bed. We have one of those VERY high beds and she has trouble jumping that high. He offered to assist her and she did not protest. Once on top of the bed she came up and wriggled down under the covers! She's not done that in forever -- and certainly not on her own.

I am looking at that as another wee bit of progress.

We've still not taken her back for blood tests. Maybe at the end of the month we will see if her number have reduced at all. Fingers are crossed!