Originally uploaded by fbruehl
I had a tv tray sitting in the living room and Georgia took possession of that as her personal bird watching perch. I moved it close to the door and she was planted there for a long while. She does not do anything for a very long while though - I think she is much too curious to ever do that.
This morning I was loading the washing machine and she just had to try to jump up to see that action. I picked her up and let her watch the agitator move around and she was curious but her body language quickly told me she wanted no part of that!
She and Sakaura seem to "play" now. Of course, their usual game is chase and Georgia does most of the chasing. Snoopy, on the other hand, is content to have another cat who leaves little bits of food in her bowl. That is Snoopy's big job in life - licking all the cat food bowls clean!