Saturday, January 30, 2010


Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I had a tv tray sitting in the living room and Georgia took possession of that as her personal bird watching perch. I moved it close to the door and she was planted there for a long while. She does not do anything for a very long while though - I think she is much too curious to ever do that.

This morning I was loading the washing machine and she just had to try to jump up to see that action. I picked her up and let her watch the agitator move around and she was curious but her body language quickly told me she wanted no part of that!

She and Sakaura seem to "play" now. Of course, their usual game is chase and Georgia does most of the chasing. Snoopy, on the other hand, is content to have another cat who leaves little bits of food in her bowl. That is Snoopy's big job in life - licking all the cat food bowls clean!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Georgia playing

Georgia playing
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

What a funny cat this is. We really should have changed her name to Snoopy except we already have a cat with that name. She is just so curious - about everything.

Yesterday we came in from shopping and I had tons of bags, so unloaded some on the floor and went back to the car to get more. The cat girls were all nosing around in the plastic bags, just like curious children. In one of the bags I had a 12X magnifying mirror. My eyesight is so poor that I use mirrors like that to put on mascara (without my glasses). Georgia found that mirror and we almost died laughing. She started stalking the gigantic 12X cat. I pulled the mirror out of the bag and put it so she could get a good view and we watched. She would twist and turn her head and sneak up and then jump back, and I thought she was finally afraid of something. Wrong! After a bit more investigation, she ran up to the mirror and slapped the giant cat! She is fearless.

I wish I had a video camera to have recorded that episode. Don and I were both laughing so hard.

She and Sakaura fight now. It's not serious fighting, and Georgia is a real instigator. She will run up to Sakaura and take a quick slap and then continue on her merry way.

Snoopy had her hair all shaved last week, so she's much more agile now and she takes nothing from Georgia. She's even slapped her when she gets too close and nosy.

Snoopy's blood tests returned better results. Her T3 (or is it T4) levels are dropping but Dr. K would like to see them go a bit lower. Her Methimazole dosage was raised from 1.5ml/day to 2ml/day.

Georgia continues to roam free. I am not sure where she sleeps at night, but sometimes I wake to feel her sleeping on top of my feet.

This morning both Sakaura and Georgia were trying to sleep on my feet. So we woke to hissing and slapping noises. Thank goodness it was pretty close to wake up time anyway.

There is never a dull moment!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Freedom - Day Two

Georgia - January 10
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Friday night we decided we would let Georgia sleep outside of her confinement area. Since I had a weekend off from work (read getting up before daylight), it was a good time for that experiment.

She actually did pretty well, so she slept outside again last night. Tonight will be the big test, since tomorrow IS a work day. I hope we can let her run loose so we can take the litter box out of that room. She actually prefers to use the downstairs litter box so since she will be free to use that at night, I see no problems there. Snoopy probably will not like that as much. She is so old and fat and lazy that she has been happy to have the upstairs accommodations.

She jumped in and out of the bed several times, but she nestles between my calves and sleeps really soundly IF I don't move. This morning she decided we had slept quite long enough so at 6:30 she came and purred very loudly right in my ear. I think maybe the other two cats put her up to doing that!

She and Sakaura are beginning to play a bit. She and Snoopy still coexist peacefully. Every week gets better in that environment. But every week Georgia seems to find something else she can get in to that she has no business doing. She still has so much kitten in her and she is so agile and fearless. Nothing is safe here - nothing! We have to be very careful with the dishwasher, the washing machine, dryer, etc. She explores everything.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My poor neglected baby

Sakaura - Jan2
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

I think she is so jealous! That glare in the picture is toward you know who, who had dared to jump up on the bed at the same time that Queen Sakaura was sitting there.

Funny thing is though -- I think Sakaura wants to play with Georgia, but her pride will not let her do it.

I feel that maybe Georgia has some bad memories of being outdoors in the snow. This morning I carried her just outside the back door and she went into a panic. She has no voice at all, but she made the loudest noise I have ever heard from her and was scratching and scrambling trying to get back to the door and inside the house. I certainly won't do that to her again. Poor baby.

Of course, the trauma did not last long. She was back to being her playful, fearless self within minutes. Right now she is sleeping in Sakaura's normal spot on the sofa. She acts like she's always been here and is THE BOSS!