Sunday, January 10, 2010

Freedom - Day Two

Georgia - January 10
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Friday night we decided we would let Georgia sleep outside of her confinement area. Since I had a weekend off from work (read getting up before daylight), it was a good time for that experiment.

She actually did pretty well, so she slept outside again last night. Tonight will be the big test, since tomorrow IS a work day. I hope we can let her run loose so we can take the litter box out of that room. She actually prefers to use the downstairs litter box so since she will be free to use that at night, I see no problems there. Snoopy probably will not like that as much. She is so old and fat and lazy that she has been happy to have the upstairs accommodations.

She jumped in and out of the bed several times, but she nestles between my calves and sleeps really soundly IF I don't move. This morning she decided we had slept quite long enough so at 6:30 she came and purred very loudly right in my ear. I think maybe the other two cats put her up to doing that!

She and Sakaura are beginning to play a bit. She and Snoopy still coexist peacefully. Every week gets better in that environment. But every week Georgia seems to find something else she can get in to that she has no business doing. She still has so much kitten in her and she is so agile and fearless. Nothing is safe here - nothing! We have to be very careful with the dishwasher, the washing machine, dryer, etc. She explores everything.

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