Monday, January 7, 2008

What is up?

Just got this email from Don
I'm back from the vet and so is Snoopy. Her blood sugar was 124, which is excellent, especially considering that she hasn't had insulin for several weeks. She doesn't have to go through the 3-test curve because she isn't on insulin injections. And the Dr. checked her for constipation/opstipation and she doesn't have either. I asked about the laxative and the Dr. said that he'd rather have her get a natural aid including metamucil, petromalt, and laxatone. He thought she looked "good", but has not received any reports from Tufts.

I just asked him what the vet said about feeding her and he replied that we should "give her food she likes".

SO she is really going to feel "special" now.

I guess I will quit fretting, and let the cat be a cat.

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