Sunday, May 4, 2008

Teeny tiny baby steps

This afternoon, in a very brave moment, Snoopy chose to go on to the sofa rather than run down the hall to "her room". Don had brought her over to the slider so she could look outdoors. Sakaura was downstairs asleep on the futon, so "the coast was clear". Snoopy was very uncomfortable and started to run away from the slider and jumped up on the sofa where she is sitting now, bathing herself.

Now I'd have loved it if she'd have sat there and looked out at the squirrels and birds, but I love the fact that she chose to stay out here with us instead of running away to hide.

Of course, now Sakaura has made an appearance, which has Snoopy a bit wary, but she's not tried to run away (yet).

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