Tuesday, June 3, 2008

She's in there

We had an incident the night before last that was a bit strange. Sakaura screeched loudly two or three times during the night. When we woke, Snoopy was nowhere to be found. Don looked everywhere - except an obvious spot, of course. She was sitting on the sofa where he normally brings her after she eats her meals.

I must assume that sometimes during the night she decided to go to the bathroom or go over to the "people bathroom" where her food is to get a bite to eat and ran into Sakaura. She has a few "safe places" - and the sofa is one of those. So she must have figured a way to get there to spend the rest of the night.

They just are not going to get along - but Snoopy is at least getting to be a wee bit more independent. I'm not sure if this is progress - it certainly is not what we would expect after almost 6 months.

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