Saturday, June 20, 2009

Snoopy & friends

Snoopy & friends
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

It's been a week since we started Snoopy on the Resthyro and so far so good. We have had no problems dosing her. I mix her 6 drops directly into her wet food. I tried to see if she'd take it directly from the dropper but that was not successful, but she gets it all in via the food, so that's fine.

It is hard to tell if it is helping, but there are a couple of changes. For one, she seems to be much calmer and more self-asssured around Sakaura. She has even taken to coming into our bedroom - I think only on the weekends when she thinks we sleep too late. This morning I sat up in bed and saw her emerging from under the bed so that is where she is hiding.

She normally goes from eating back to the bed and then comes out to eat again. This past week she's been going to sit in a chair in "her bedroom" that is by the window. Not earthshaking news -- but for her that is a huge change.

One of the symptoms of hyperthryroidism in cats is yowling and she'd done that to a small extent prior to startng this medicine. I am happy to report that has been NO yowling this past week. So that is a sign that something is going on.

I want to wait at least a month before we have her blood checked again. Then we will decide if we continue with this or settle for the "drugs". I am hoping we can keep up with the herbal treatment!


Libbi said...

It is wonderful to see such a great improvement in Snoopy! Thank you for diarizing Snoopy's progress, as it gives hope to so many other cat owners whose cat's also have hyperthryiodism. Herbal medication, usch as Resthryo, is much safer and effective than regular veterinary medicine and the affects are long-lasting.

chuben said...

I have been lurking for years on Dottie's website, but have always enjoyed your comments. A friend of mine quoted someone, whom I have forgotten, but the jist is that in heaven we are all judged by the way we have treated cats. You, my friend, are a shoe-in.
best regards