Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snoopy - bird watching

Snoopy - bird watching
Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Poor Snoopy. She was the original subject of this blog, but she's not been in the limelight lately.

As seen in the picture, she has come out of hiding. She roams around the house like she did before Sakaura came. She'd gotten a bit braver, but I believe the addition of the third cat has given her new confidence.

Georgia is much more interested in chasing Sakaura than fooling around with her. She got in a few loud growls, and I believe she's established her position as THE alpha cat again.

She is due to get blood work. I hope we do not have to increase her dosage, since with every increase the cost goes higher. She really needs a haircut. I know the vet will balk, but I may insist. She just gets so full of matted hair and I know that is uncomfortable for her. I believe it's been almost a year since her last cut, so at least she'd going longer in between than she used to.

Everything is going much smoother with the new addition than I'd have expected after just two and a half weeks.

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