Saturday, May 8, 2010

So innocent

Originally uploaded by fbruehl

Ha! She is resting up for her next episode of racing through the house like a maniac. She is wild at times. But she entertains herself (and us).

There is something about her lack of depth perception that makes her focus in on anything that shines - she sees reflections in the oddest objects and must attack. This morning she was attacking one of my shoes. When I looked at it, the light was causing a reflection off the shoe and that was all it took for Miss Georgia to think it was something she had to conquer and kill.

She has amazing vision though - she can spot the tiniest insect, and again, she is on a mission to kill.

We have had a pretty good week. Snoopy, however, has become quite picky with her food and it's been a challenge getting her medicine in. We got a new prescription this week. Stronger dosage, so we can give a lesser amount. We also switched from fish flavored to chicken flavored. I hope it works.

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