Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sleepy Saturday morning

Who am I kidding?  Every day is sleepy in the cat world.  Actually I guess today is officially "Caturday".

Yesterday I was showing Don how to use the phone in his room, and had him dial our phone number and leave a message on voice mail.  I promptly forgot about this, so last night when I got home I had an extra message on the phone.  When I heard his voice I wondered what would happen if I played that message for the cats.

I put the phone on "speaker" mode and replayed the message from Don.  They both came running and sat and listened, turning their heads curiously, and I just know they recognized his voice.  They still miss him so much.  When I bring in laundry,  they sniff and sniff, and if I place a bit of it on the floor one or the other of them will sleep on it.

Don continues to improve.  He has been in rehab almost three weeks.  This weekend he begins a test of eating food on his own to see if they can discontinue the tube feeding.  He had the trach removed Wednesday evening, and swallowing tests done early Thursday morning.  He's been eating almost regular food since then.

I don't have a projected date for his homecoming, but I am sure the two cat girls will be so happy to see him!

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