Sunday, December 23, 2007

One more time...

After the dose of antibiotics we did this morning there is only one remaining time we will need to wrap the cat up like a burrito and force the vile pink fluid into her mouth. Today's first dose went amazingly well, with about 90% actually going into her.

Of course, right after, she had to show her extreme displeasure and run downstairs to pout. We have just ignored her, and about half an hour later she came up and actually came into the room with us. I thought it was to be social, but soon realized that it was to complain the door to "her bedroom hiding place" was closed and she wanted to go in there. She is under our bed right now (second choice), and I'll be happy to just let her be.

I opened the second flavor of Pill Pockets today, and she liked those just as well as the others. She had her last dose of the antiacid pill, so now it is just the twice daily Clavamox. And the once daily sub-Q. She tolerates that amazingly well. So I think we are on the upswing here.

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