Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snoopy is hospitalized

So Snoopy is the only cat now and she is in the hospital still. We miss her and hope to hear some positive report later today when her doctor calls with an update.

She was admitted to The Foster Hospital for Small Animals at Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine late Friday afternoon.

First she was suffering from "obstipation" and then it reversed in the other direction. Yesterday her bloodwork was all skewed, but later in the day it was a bit more normal.

It is quiet here with no pets. Even though Snoopy hardly made a sound, other than some obnoxiously loud purring when she wanted our attention, we miss having a cat under foot. I do hope she can come home tomorrow.

Today is not a good day to be going out to get her - snow and icy mix out there. The roads are a real mess today.

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